
Wellness – from Surviving to Thriving

21st Century is providing a platform for organisations to participate in a Wellness Survey and to access the latest trends and practices on employee wellness – the greatest enabler to a thriving organisation.

10 July

(Reports will be distributed to participants at the end of July)

  • How does your organisation approach wellness?

  • Does your commitment to employee wellness reflect in your strategies, policies, and processes?

  • Does it manifest in your culture and business success?

The interdependencies between personal and organisational well-being are now of central interest to all organisations. The social aspects of employees can no longer be separated from the course and scope of their occupational responsibilities and this has a significant impact on organisational effectiveness.

With the perennial changes in organisation’s working environments and models, there is a growing need to prioritise learning and research on effective, evidence-based practices that ensure the wellness of employees across various dimensions.

Join our niche survey to get the results you need.

Themes that will be covered in the Survey

  • Physical Health
  • Emotional Happiness
  • Mental Wealth
  • Spiritual Harmony
  • Environmental Health
  • Social Happiness
  • Financial Wealth
  • Occupational Harmony

Benefits of participating
in the survey

Current, valid survey results are an invaluable tool when making important remuneration decisions during the course of the year, and can help your organisation validate remuneration decisions and comply with Employment Equity legislation (“Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value” – tabled in the Employment Equity Act which came into effect on 1 August 2014).

Closing Date

The closing date for participation is
10 July. The report will be distributed to participants at the end of July.

Survey Cost

To receive a copy of the report, the cost (excluding VAT) will be:

R8 500. 00



Our business rests on commitment to confidentiality of data. Thus under no circumstances would any individual information or any company-specific information be disclosed to any other participant.

Data Integrity

Over many years, we have collected local HR data from thousands of Southern African organisations. We are proud of the quality of our data, and the integrity and security of our database. Our data analysts are specialists in their fields, and collectively they have backgrounds in economics, business, econometrics, finance and statistics.

SURVEY: Wellness - from Surviving to Thriving

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Fill in this form and we will send you a customised link to participate in the online survey

(NB: Please note that we cannot use gmail/mweb/etc email addresses)
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Camille Rabier
[email protected]

Regional Contacts

Gauteng (Head Office)
Theresa Blake
Manager : Niche Projects
[email protected]

Cape Town: Western Cape, Northern Cape & Coastal Regions
Leanne Visser
Regional Manager, Western Cape,
Northern Cape & Coastal Regions
[email protected]