PLEASE NOTE: In this time of Covid-19 we will be offering courses either face-to-face, or online via Zoom

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Initiating a Section 189
Restructuring Process

2-day course

Employees may have concerns, complaints, dissatisfaction or a feeling of injustice related to workplace relationships or the work environment. All of these issues need to be addressed by management.

Why is this course important?

The S189 of the LRA permits employers to dismiss employees for operational requirements based on economic needs (eg, financial management), technological needs (eg, introduction of new technology), structural needs (eg, the reduction of posts due to restructuring) or similar needs of the employer.

An employer who employs 50 or less employees is subject to the process (set out in section 189 of the LRA) that sets out what their procedural and substantive obligations are to maintain a fair retrenchment process.

This course will give an in-depth understanding of the process and how to respond to it.

Who is this course aimed at?

Line Managers, Human Resource Professionals, Unions, Employees.

Are there any prerequisites for attending this course?


Course content and outcomes:

At the conclusion of this course the delegate should be able to:


  • Implement a Section 189 process according to the Labour Relations Act (LRA),
  • Understand what is required in a Section 189 letter,
  • Understand the rules that apply to companies employing less than 50 employees and those employing more than 50 employees,
  • Understand how a severance package is calculated,
  • Know what constitutes unfair retrenchment,
  • Understand what the recourse is for an employee that is unfairly dismissed.


Other training courses:

21st Century offers courses in all areas of Remuneration and HR.

2022 Course dates

Please contact our training manager if you are interested in attending this course

The course content has been split into four Zoom modules – one in the morning and one in the afternoon of each of the two days:

Module 1 (first day):
09h00 – 12h00
Module 2 (first day):
13h00 – 16h00
Module 3 (second day):
09h00 – 12h00
Module 4 (second day):
13h00 – 16h00

In order to participate in the course, please fill in the BOOKING FORM below and we will get back to you with further details.

2-day Public Course Rate

R12 500.00
(per delegate, excluding VAT)

Terms & Conditions

Please familiarise yourself with the TERMS & CONDITIONS before booking

Public Course Package Rates

(please click the image below to
see a larger version)

2025 Package Rates

If any company employees would like to attend more than one public training course, or more than one person from your company would like to attend any of the courses, we highly recommend purchasing one of our packages:

  • Structured according to the number of delegate days,
  • Discounts of up to 30%,
  • Valid for one year from date of purchase,
  • Specific to the company (rather than the delegate), so can be used by any number of employees, in any combination, for any course or courses.

If you would like to purchase a package, please fill out the BOOKING FORM.

In-house Rates

We need a minimum of 5 delegates in order to run this course in-house.

For between 5 and 10 delegates*,
a flat daily rate of

R 25 500.00

PLUS a daily fee for each additional delegate of

R 2 200.00

We can tailor-make this course, or customise any combination of courses to suit your organisation’s needs.

If you would like to run this course in-house at your company, please contact us and will will get back to you ASAP.

Regional Contacts

Head Office

Sharlene Herandien
Training Manager,
Johannesburg & Gauteng

Western Cape, Northern Cape & Coastal Regions

Leanne Visser
General Manager,
Western Cape & Northern Cape

Booking: Courses & Packages

Please fill in all the fields.

  • Section A: Company Information:

  • Please ensure that you fill in all the necessary requirements before submitting the form.

  • Section B: Delegate Information:

    If you ticked 'yes', our Training Manager will get in touch with you to discuss the details.
  • Section C: Invoicing Information:

  • This section contains the details of the financial contact person within your company who would receive the invoice.

  • Section E: Signoff

  • This section must be signed off by a person in your company who has the authority to purchase this course/package/s.