Remuneration and HR Training Courses

Data Privacy for HR Professionals

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1-day course

This course focuses on the areas of HR impacted by data privacy and on how to manage privacy risks. The course will provide an overall perspective of how data privacy impacts what is done in HR, and create an awareness of how staff personal information is collected, stored, updated, shared and destroyed.

Who should attend this course?

  • Human Capital/Resources professionals who deal with staff Personal Information;
  • Recruiters, interviewers (line managers) who have access to personal information of potential employees;
  • Employees who are privy to Personal Information of previous employees (direct or indirect);
  • Those responsible for contracting with service providers who provide services such as staff record keeping systems, cloud-based storage solutions, learning and development records.
  • Employees who want to be proactive in understanding the impact this will have in their space and want to differentiate themselves.

Course content and outcomes

At the conclusion of this course the delegate should be able to:

  • How to mitigate staff privacy risks

  • How to co-create solutions with colleagues to protect personal data for the benefit of the organisation

  • How to quickly identify gaps

Are there any prerequisites for attending this course?



This course is not yet accredited.

R5 500.00
per delegate, excluding VAT

Please scroll down for Booking Forms, In-house Rates,
discounted Delegate Day Package Rates, Terms &
Conditions and Contact Details

Other training courses

21st Century offers courses in all areas of Remuneration and HR.

Course dates

8 March
23 June
19 October

The course content has been split into two modules – one in the morning and one in the afternoon:

Module 1:
09h00 – 12h00
Module 2:
13h00 – 16h00

In order to participate in the course, please fill in the BOOKING FORM below and we will get back to you with further details.

1-day Public Course Rate

R 6 600.00

(per delegate, excluding VAT)

In-house Rates

We need a minimum of 5 delegates in order to run this course in-house.

For between 5 and 10 delegates*,
a flat daily rate of

R 25 500.00

PLUS a daily fee for each additional delegate of

R 2 200.00

We can tailor-make this course, or customise any combination of courses to suit your organisation’s needs.

If you would like to run this course in-house at your company, please contact us and will will get back to you ASAP.

Delegate Day Packages

NB: Packages for use in 2024 (valid for a calendar year from date of purchase) can still be purchased at 2023 rates!

(Scroll down for 2023 and 2024 rates)

If any company employees would like to attend more than one public training course, or more than one person from your company would like to attend any of the courses, we highly recommend purchasing one of our discounted packages:

  • Structured according to the number of delegate days,
  • Packages are paid for up-front,
  • Discounts of up to 30%,
  • Valid for one year from date of purchase,
  • Specific to the company (rather than the delegate), so can be used by any number of employees, in any combination, for any course or courses.

If you would like to purchase a package, please fill out the BOOKING FORM.

Please click on pic below to see a larger version.

2023 Package Rates

Terms & Conditions

Please familiarise yourself with the TERMS & CONDITIONS before booking

Regional Contacts

Head Office

Sharlene Herandien
Training Manager,
Johannesburg & Gauteng

Western Cape, Northern Cape & Coastal Regions

Leanne Visser
General Manager,
Western Cape & Northern Cape

BOOKING FORM: Public Courses & Public Course Packages